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We are a company based in Portugal, registered in the 2nd Conservatory of the Makening Registry of Maia, with collective identification numberPt513649450, main CAE 47910 and capital of 10,500 €. For inspection purposes the address will be Rua Nova da Fonte No. 87, 4445-529 Ermesinde.
Our virtual office is located at Rua Engenheiro Frederico Ulrich, 3210, room 211, 4470-605 Mayan. Tthe title of retailer without commercial establishment issued by the Contrast of Porto with the number: T2414., Registered on 09/22/2015.
We are determined to protect your privacy. We collect, keep and use your data according to 1998 data protection law and other applicable local laws.
In our website, all your personal information is protected by an SSL certificate made available by Shopify that protects and encryns all your personal data so that they cannot be accessed by anyone. The SSL certificate validates the identity of the website and encryns the information it sends or receives from the website.
When you pay with your Paypal account, your entire information is processed by PayPal servers not having Portuguese Filigree any access to your PayPal account.
When it pays through credit card or debit, Portuguese Filigree will not be with your card information. Paypal and the stripe are our payment mechanisms, they will ensure that the transaction is successful and safe.
Through the website or associated websites and emails, including Facebook applications, all the information that allows us, through order registration, emails, participation in contest, promotion, etc. is stored by us. We collect the following information: name, address, phone, email, date of birth, purchased products. If a gift is sent, the name of the recipient, address and message or any other information that provides us is also kept by us.
When using our website, it means that it agrees with the terms of our privacy policy as placed in this area of the website. If you do not agree with any of the terms in this policy please do not use the website.
Please contact us if you have any comment or question about this privacy policy, to report any violation of this policy or to correct your personal information. We will respond at 24 hours.
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